How to use Onshape publication

BÖHME uses Onshape as our CAD provider, offering you, as a customer, numerous options to review and collaborate with BÖHME smoothly.
Onshape Publications is an online viewer generated specifically for your project.
The link you receive is unique, and BÖHME can update and change it without needing to provide a new link.

Access the Viewer:
Open the unique link  provided by BÖHME for your specific project. This link will take you to the Onshape viewer.

Publication link.png
(Opens in new window)

Review the Design:
Use the viewer to examine the CAD model. You can rotate, zoom, and pan to get a detailed look at different parts of the design.

Track Changes:
Any updates or changes made by BÖHME will be reflected in the same link. You don’t need a new link to see the latest version of the model.

Download and Share (Permission needed):
If needed, you can download the model or specific parts of it for offline review or to share with other stakeholders.

Advanced options (not set by default)

Add Comments (Account needed):
Click on any part of the model to add comments. This is useful for providing feedback or asking questions about specific features.

Collaborate in Real-Time (Account needed):
If BÖHME team members are online, you can collaborate in real-time. They can see your comments and markups instantly and respond to them.

The basics

How to use "Section view"

BÖHME ApS - Bizonvej 4 - 8464 Galten - +45 22 39 80 40 - - CVR: 38397095

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